Congratulations to those who just wrapped up another busy season!!

We also understand that many of you haven’t yet wrapped up your busy season and are still in the thick of things.

Whether you’re still in busy season, or just wrapped it up, we are well into Spring! Spring brings us a sense of hope and renewal, with more sunshine and warmer, brighter days.

For us to perform at our best and show up as the strong, supportive leaders we want to be, we must create space for recovery and renewal.

Here are 5 ideas to help you recover and renew this month:

  1. Create a sense of daily renewal. Each morning brings the gift of a new day (no matter what happened the day before!). Do you start your mornings feeling rushed, anxious or overwhelmed? Instead, start your day with positive energy and intention by creating a quick and easy morning routine. (Check out this blog post for some ideas on how you can upgrade your morning routine.)
  2. Build recovery time into the end of your workday. Do you still feel connected to your job (and your phone!), even after your workday is over? Or perhaps you’re so exhausted, all you can do is zone out on the couch? Creating a closing routine at the end of your workday (e.g., update your to-do list, respond to critical e-mails and plan the next day) can provide you with a sense of completion for the day. Then, you can give yourself permission to recover. Do something that disconnects you from technology (and work) and reconnects you with yourself and those you love. (Check out this blog post for more support.)
  3. Get a good night’s sleep. Working late? Having a hard time turning your brain off when it’s time to go to bed? Although sleep is the ultimate recovery and renewal for our bodies, minds and spirits, so many of us don’t prioritize it. Create a bedtime routine to enhance the quality of your sleep. Consider turning your lights down low an hour before bed, reading a book (instead of watching TV), and listening to a guided meditation (two meditation apps we love: Insight Timer and Calm) to let your brain know it’s time to rest. (Check out this blog post for some ideas on how you can get a better night’s sleep.)
  4. Become a healthier human. If you always put others’ needs ahead of your own, you will suffer as a leader and a human. Over time, you may struggle with burnout, health problems (mental, physical, and emotional), damaged relationships, and missed opportunities. You limit your potential and positive impact on others when you de-prioritize yourself. What’s one small step you could take today to prioritize yourself and be a healthier human? (Check out this blog post for an exercise that will help you prioritize yourself more.)
  5. Reset your mindset. You may have been feeling overworked and overwhelmed these past few months. When your stress levels are elevated, it’s easy to fall into a downward spiral. Your mindset can default to the negative, which hinders your ability to show up as the positive, inspiring leader we know you want to be for yourself and others. If you’ve been caught in the negative spiral these past few weeks or months, we invite you to break the cycle and reset your mindset right now. (Check out this blog post for 3 ideas on how to do just that.)

We know how hard you’ve been working! Recovery and renewal are absolutely critical to your leadership and personal success. When you commit to one or two simple practices to recover and renew this month, your team and loved ones will thank you!

See you in the DoP,