As we count down these last few days of 2022, we’re feeling a transitional energy in the air. There’s a sense of completing one year combined with the fresh promise of a new one.

This time of year typically feels busy for most of us, as we wrap up our professional and personal to-dos for the year, get ready for the new year, and enjoy holiday festivities with the people we love.

As you look ahead to the new year, what do you most want for 2023? Just sit with that question for a few minutes. Think about what YOU most want for yourself (not what you think you’re supposed to want, or what others want for you). How does your health and well-being fit into your plans for 2023?

Do you struggle to prioritize your health and well-being? Do you have a hard time fitting yourself into your own plans?

You probably understand by now that you need to take care of yourself first in order to perform at your best. However, you may still have a hard time making that happen because your days feel out of control – because you’re always taking care of others instead of yourself.

If any of this resonates for you, we urge you to commit to making 2023 the year of YOU. Make time for yourself first in the new year. When you invest in your personal well-being and development each day, you’ll transform your leadership and your life. Everyone around you will benefit, as they’ll receive a more whole, balanced version of you.

One of the best ways to make time for yourself every single day is by creating (or upgrading) a morning routine. Take it from us – it’s changed our lives! (You can read more about Sarah’s journey with morning routines here).

If you’re ready to make more time for you, so you can be a healthier leader and human being in 2023, we’ve got your back:

  1. Check out our latest episode of Leading Possibilities, where we explore how you can take control of your days by taking control of your mornings.
  2. We’re offering a live webinar on January 10 to support your health and well-being in the new year: I2L Healthy Leaders 2023 Kick-off. We’ll guide you through a 5-step process to envision what it means for you to be a healthier leader and human in 2023 and craft a roadmap to make that vision a reality. Register here to join us for this special event for only $39! (Psssst…if you join the I2L Healthy Leaders Community first, this event is FREE!)
  3. We’re going all-in on morning routines during the month of January in our I2L Healthy Leaders Community. We’ll help you create and implement a morning routine that energizes you and sets you up for better days ahead. Join us this month, so you’ll be ready to jump in on January 1! For only $39/month, you’ll receive the support, accountability and connection you need to be more present and focused in your work and life!

Remember, when you take care of yourself first, you have more to give to others. You’ll multiply your results in business and in life, and you’ll feel good while doing it. What are you waiting for?

We wish you a joyous, peaceful and restorative holiday season! We can’t wait to see what’s possible for you in 2023 when you choose to consciously invest in yourself!

See you in the DOP,